My week has been great (: We met a guy named Chris who ASKED for a Book of Mormon after teaching him about the Restoration! Super cool! We are teaching a lady named Patricia, and the best part about going to her house is for her dad. He is a 93 year old mexican and he says some of the funniest things! He has Alzheimers really bad, so he repeats himself a lot! There is a less active member named Dan Boyer. He hasn't come to church for a LONG time, and he looked like some white trash mechanic. But after talking to him he is EXTREMELY smart! He is really close to creating an engine that can run off of water!!!!!! Crazy huh? He just needs a couple more parts and he is positive it will work!
But the bedding is awesome! And the pillow is wonderful (: the
blanket is awesome too! Yeah, could you send another one?? It gets quite chilly
during the night time (: haha. Thank you so much!
Alright! I understand that the music isn't the biggest
priority right now haha (: But some more songs that I would enjoy are John
Allred - Where can I turn for Peace? Nichole Nordeman - I Am Yiruma - A river
Flows in You. and That 's about it (: haha.
Brayden has 5 more months?!? Dang... his time went by way fast!! I will
definitely take advantage of every minute! And that's cool that he'll be going
to UVU!
Snow doesn't sound fun at all!!! It is getting pretty windy here, and it
will continue for a month or so... the wind isn't fun, especially on a bike! But
it's not as bad as snow, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining (: hahah. I'm
glad to hear the house is coming along good!!
Hahaha Jaxon cut his hair?!?! What?!? Well, if he wanted his $20, he should
have taken that offer while I was still around ;) haha that's cool though! You
should send me a picture of it!! Haha how long is Joseph's? It's probably way
long! Haha I miss all the funny things he says! I wish I could be there! There
are a lot of families that have us over for dinner, and their kids are really
funny too! Not us funny as Dub, but pretty funny (: It's hard not to play with
them and to tickle them! But due to missionary rules, we aren't allowed to...
it's sad! There was this little girl named Brianna, and we were teaching a
lesson how your testimony is like a seed in your heart, and we "water" that seed
by going to church, praying, etc. She took it literally, and was like "Well, if
there is a seed in there... there must be DIRT! EW!! I'm gonna go throw up.."
hahah it made me laugh pretty hard!!
Anyways, thank you for the addresses! I hope life is going good (: You guys are always in my prayers!! talk to you next week!
Elder Teeples
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